Cemetery Records Master Index to Cemetery, Obituary and Funeral Home Records For years the Yakima Valley Genealogical Society has maintained a card file of obituary notices, cemetery readings and records and funeral home records. The current index contains listings of approximately 191,000 names and is continuing to be added to on a weekly basis. Most of these records have been digitized and are located on the computers at the Genealogical Society library for patrons to access and use. Please go here to search the combined index for an individual. For those unable to come into our library, we are able to send you copies of the records upon request. To request copies of the records please use the form located here. Please see below for a description of the cemetery records that are included in this index. Cemetery Record Cards During the late 1960's the Yakima Valley Genealogical Society worked on an extensive project to walk down cemeteries and make 3x5 cards of the gravestone readings. This effort documented the gravestones in the cemeteries in Yakima, Klickitat and Kittitas Counties at that time. In addition, the cemeteries in the western part of Benton County that was once part of Yakima County were also walked down. This covered the cemeteries in Prosser and Benton City. The East Prosser Cemetery was recorded and checked with the Sextant's records. The I.O.O.F. Cemetery for this area was recorded in 1974. The I.O.O.F. Cemetery has not been used since the 1950's. These cards recording the gravestone readings are stored in cabinets at the Genealogical Society Library and have also been digitized with the digital copies on the computers at the library. The index to these card files are included in the master index described above. To search just the cemetery cards or to see alphabetical listings of all of the cards go here. To see a detailed listing of included cemeteries, look below. Included Cemeteries Ahtanum Cemetery: Anderson Cemetery: 2 mi. W. of Naches Ranger Station on Chinook Pass Hwy., just above and across from Pine Cone Inn. Identification of graves confirmed by member of family. Rec. pub. YVGS Bull. 2:33 (1970) Black Rock: 3/4 mi. S. of Hwy. 24, 6 mi. E. of Junct. of Hwy. 24 and Hwy. (or Meeboer)214, in E edge of Sect. 24, T 12 N, R 22 E on Merritt Fine Ranch. Additional data from Mrs. Elaine Brader. Rec. pub. YVGS Bull 2:86 and 3:36 (1970, 1971) Calvary: 1405 S. 24th Avenue, Yakima. Gravestones copied 1969, and sexton's records copied 1973. Catholic. Cowiche-Naches: On bank above Pioneer Way, Cowiche, ca. 31 mi. from intersection of Pioneer Way and Yakima-Cowiche Hwy., some 13 mi. W of Yakima. Second oldest cem. in Yakima County. Some bodies removed to Naches Cem. Record supplemented by reports from families and obituaries. Rec. pub. YVGS Bull. 4:67 (1972) Elmwood: On road which runs from the Fort Rd. about 31 mi. W of Hwy 97. Gravestones copied 1969. Sexton's records copied 1973, including all except baby records from 1940 on. You can click here to view the extracted burial records. Grandview: On Cemetery Rd.(extension of Elm St., Grandview), ca. 1 mi. N of town. Gravestone and sexton's records copied by YVGS 1969. New extraction 2002-2003 by Laura Ware & Theresa Wiggins. [Note: 3/23/00 - Grandview records are administered by Grandview City Dept. of Public Works (509) 882-9211. Holy Rosary: Ca. 1 mi. E. of Moxee City and 1/4 mi. E of Hwy 24 (first northbound rd. E of intersection of Faucher Rd. & Hwy. 24) in Sect. 6, T I0 N, R 17 E. Operated by Holy Rosary Roman Catholic Church of Moxee. Parish records checked to July, 1969,when gravestones copied. Rec. pub. YVGS Bull 1:75 (1969) together with list of internments performed by parish priests between 1906 and Oct. 1930 where place of burial not stated and not otherwise known. New extraction by Jeri Herbert 2003. Lower Valley: On S side of Van Belle Rd. at Cemetery Rd. and ca. 1 mi N Memorial Gardens of Sunnyside, just across the road from Sunnyside cem,and W of Sunnyside Memorial Park. Gravestone and sexton's records copied 1969. Sexton's records included copies of obituaries of all interred. Mabton: NE of Mabton on Cemetery Rd, ca. 1-1/2 mi. north of Euclid Rd. Copied by YVGS 1969. Updated extraction from City of Mabton records by E.F. Charvet. Current to October, 2003. Meninick (Indian): On Hwy.97, 16 mi. S of Toppenish in Sect. 7, T 8 N., R 18 E. Copied 1972 Meystre Family: About 3 mi W of Naches in an apple orchard on the W side of te Canal, where the canal crosses the West Old Naches Hwy. Single stone,. copied 1973. To be pub. YVGS Bull. Jan. 1974. Naches: Ca. 1/2 mi. E of Naches on. W side of Kel-Lowery Rd., 1-1/2 mi. S of its intersection with the Old Naches Hwy. Gravestone and sexton records pub. YVGS BULL. 1:62 (1969) Melson: Lies in the Suntides Golf Course. From Hwy.12 take Old Naches Hwy. to Galloway, second road to right which is Suntides Blvd where you will find it marked with a gate inscribed "Nelson Cemetery, 1871 - 1904". Copied and rec. pub. YVGS Bull. 1:20 (1969). One additional grave discovered in 1973 to be pub. YVGS Bull Jan. 1974. Nile Cemetery: This cemetery has been plowed over. It lay on what is now the Pat Thomas Ranch, in the Nile District of the county, some miles W of Naches. Record of burials furnished by descendant of most buried in this cemetery. Rec. to be pub. YVGS Bull. Jan. 1974. Old Holland: Lies N of Moxee City on Mieras Rd., 1 mi. E of the First Re-formed (Old Holland) Church, which is at the intersection of Beaudry and Mieras Rds. Gravestones copied and pub. YVGS Bull. 1:71 (1969). Data from sexton's rec. to be pub.YVGS Bull. 1974 Old Selah Pioneer: Said to have been on land on which the NPRR depot was built when the Railroad came through Selah about 1885. The only record so far obtained of a burial there came from the source of information about the Nile Cem. Abandoned - 3 internment listings Outlook: On Cemetery Road, SE of Outlook in Sect. 28, T 10 N, R 22 E. Gravestones and sexton's records copied 1969. Pioneer: The oldest cemetery in Yakima County. At the E end of Ahtanum Rd., Union Gap (originally Yakima City). Part of cemetery swept away in a flood in 1906. Many bodies removed to Tahoma Cemetery, Yakima, and recorded there. Gravestones copied and supplemental information from descendants pub. YVGS Bull. 3:33 (1971). Reservation Memorial Park: Also known as the Wapato Cemetery. Located in Sec. 11, T 11 N, R 18 E, 5 miles W of Hwy 97 (Wapato) on the West Wapato Rd, between Lateral C Rd. and N. Harrah Rd. It is also 3 miles north of Harrah. Copied 1969. St. Mary's Catholic: Lies 1/2 mi. S and 1-1/4 mi. W of White Swan and is reached by a road that intersects with the road to Fort Simcoe ) 1/4 mi. W. of White Swan. Copied and rec. pub. YVGS Bull. 2:87 (1970) Selah Pioneer: Lies beside the new road connecting the No. Wenas Rd. and Interstate 82, about1-1/2 mi. N. of Selah. Now abandoned. Copied with additional data from families in area, newspapers, etc., and published YVGS Bull 5:4 (1973). Shaker 1910 (Indian): Lies in the NW 1/4, Sect. 2, T 10 N, R 17 E, about 3 mi. E of White Swan and near the Shaker Church. Copied 1973. Simmons: An abandoned cemetery, location unknown, but believed to have been in the vicinity of 6th and Fruitvale Aves, Yakima. All bodies moved to Tahoma Cem., Yakima, Jan. 1901 and so recorded as in Tahoma Cem. With uitable notation. Rec. pub. YVGS Bull. 1:16 (1969) Sunnyside (Old): On the N side of Van Belle Rd. at Cemetery Rd. ca 1 mi. N. of Sunnyside. Contains graves from most Lower Valley private cemeteries abandoned after it was formed. This and Sunnyside Memorial Park operated by Ball Memorial Chapel, and funeral home records are also sexton's records. Copied by YVGS 1969. Transcribed by Laura Ware & Theresa Wiggins 2001-2002. Note: 11/22/00 - Sunnyside cemeteries now operated as: Lower Valley Memorial Gardens & Sunnyside Memorial Park, 7800 Van Bell Rd., Sunnyside, WA 98944 (509) 837-2233 Sunnyside Memorial Park: On S side of Van Belle Rd., across from Sunnyside Cem. (see above). Copied by YVGS 1969. Tahoma Cemetery: 1802 Tahoma Ave., Yakima. Resulted from the union of the City Cemetery and ones established by the Masons, the Odd-fellows and the GAR. Some early records fail to record actual gravesites. Some gravesites, especially in pauper areas, have disappeared and their plats lost. Copied 1968-9. [Tahoma cemetery is managed by the City of Yakima. The cemetery office is located at 1802 Tahoma Ave, off S. 16th Ave just north of Washington. The office hours are 8-12 Mon-Fri. (509) 575-6026. They can give directions to a specific grave and have additional info on most interments.] There is a searchable index of all of the burials in this cemetery on-line at the City of Yakima that can be accessed here. Toweatmy (Indian): On Hwy. 97, 20 mi S of Toppenish in Sect. 13, T 8 N, R 18 E. Terrace Heights Memorial Park: 3001 Terrace Heights Dr., Yakima, WA 98901 (509) 453-1961 Copied 1970. Sexton's records not copied since all grave markers have name and date of death. Terrace Heights Memorial Park maintains a searchable index of all burials that have occurred in their cemetery. The results all include the birth date and the death date of the individual and the location of the grave. To search their burial lists and dates you can go here. Wenas: On S side of No. Wenas Rd., about 11 mi. NW of Selah. One of earliest cemeteries in County. Gravestones.and sexton's records copied and pub. YVGS Bull 1:56, (1969) Online version has been updated to 2000 by Judy Schuster and Gene Jenkins. West Hills Memorial Park: 11800 Douglas Rd, Yakima, (509) 966-6622 Lies on the S side of Wide Hollow Rd., just beyond Harwood and W of Yakima. Sexton's records in hands of Langevin-Mussetter Funeral Home. Copied 1969-70. White Swan Methodist: On NE edge of White Swan, 1/8 mi. E on gravel road that takes off E just as No. White Swan Rd. turns north, in Sect. 5, T 10 N, R 17 E. Rec., Pub. YVGS Bull. 2:92 (1970) Zillah: Lies on the S side of the Zillah-Toppenish Rd. at Cheyne Rd., and just W of the Zillah city limits. Gravestones and Sexton's records copied in 1969 for Old Section by YVGS. New extraction of complete cemetery made by Jeri Herbert in 2002. Updated October 2007. ---------------------------------------------------- Additional Yakima County Cemeteries Note: Most of these cemeteries are located on the Yakima Reservation. It is understood that permission to record them could not be obtained from the Yakama Nation at the time when all the Yakima county cemeteries were being recorded. Beaver: Yakama Resv. N of Jo Jo Rd on BIA 15: T7N R20E Sec10 USGS Topographical Quad Map: Poisel Butte SE Colwash: Yakama Resv. SE of Fort Simcoe off BIA 132, S of Hwy 220: T10N R16E Sec26 USGS Topographical Quad Map: Fort Simcoe Emeunot: SW of Wiley City off W South Ahtanum Rd: T12N R17E Sec14 USGS Topographical Quad Map: Wily City Glade: South of Mabton: T7N R22E Sec20 USGS Topographical Quad Map: Tule Prong McCoy: McCoy Rd East of Toppenish: T10N R20E Sec2 USGS Topographical Quad Map: Toppenish Meninik: Yakama Resv. Hwy 97 & BIA 63: T8N R19E Sec7 USGS Topographical Quad Map: Poisel Butte NW Onepennee: Yakama Resv. Jo Jo Rd & BIA 256: T7N R19E Sec35 USGS Topographical Quad Map: Poisel Butte SW Saluskin: SW of Wiley City off W South Ahtanum Rd: T12N R17E Sec16 USGS Topographical Quad Map: Wiley City Sampson: Yakama Resv. Hwy 97 & BIA 216: T7N R18E Sec3 USGS Topographical Quad Map: Logy Creek NE Sloutier: SW of Wiley City off W South Ahtanum Rd: T12N R17E Sec15 USGS Topographical Quad Map: Wily City Smina: Yakama Resv. West of Hwy 97, N of Intersec with BIA 51: T12N R17E Sec15 USGS Topographical Quad Map: Poisel Butte NW Toweatmy: Yakama Resv. Off Hwy 97 & BIA 79: T8N R18E Sec13 USGS Topographical Quad Map: Logy Creek NE Wah-Lal-La-Kite: SW of Wiley City off W South Ahtanum Rd: T12N R17E Sec18 USGS Topographical Quad Map: Wily City Yemowat: McCulloch Rd between 42 Ave & 54 Ave: T12N R18E Sec9 USGS Topographical Quad Map: Yakima West Yesmowit: Yakama Resv. NW of White Swan off Medicine Valley Rd: T11N R16E Sec34 USGS Topographical Quad Map: Medicine Valley -------- The following cemetery information was submitted by Jim Roberts.
Winnier Cemetery: private cemetery for the Yakama Nation's Winnier Family, just S of Larue Rd and E of Hwy 97 about a mile S of Toppenish. Toppenish Creek Cemetery: tribal cemetery probably related to the Toppenish Longhouse and Toppenish Creek Longhouses (tribal Washat religion), On a bluff just S of Slide Ranch Rd (formerly BIA Rd 103) 1/2 mile east of Signal Peak Rd. On another bluff just east of this cemetery, it looks like there could actually be another small cemetery or a couple of independent graves. Note: Fishing-rights pioneer Agnes "Myra" Sohappy, 18 Oct 1925 - 25 Mar 2005, was buried 28 Mar at Toppenish Creek Cemetery. Also, Jim Kiutus, Jr., 3 Jan 1942-4 Jun 2005, of Wapato, bur. 6 Jun 2005.] "Parker Dam" Cemetery: (I don't know it's true name but it may be related to the Smarlowit family) - On the hill behind a Yakama Nation fruit orchard, just NW of the intersection of Hwy 97 & Lateral A Rd. This cemetery also contains a stone monument inscribed with the names of some of the Yakama Nation's most notable Chiefs. There was once a thriving Yakama Indian community at Parker Dam which is the basis for the community that uses the Wapato Longhouse. Klick-Peter Cemetery: Located at the SE corner of Fort Rd Extension and Signal Peak Rd at White Swan, (across from the schools). 46* 22' 29" N, 120* 43'56"W