The links below are free sites that cover a wide range of useful tools and programs for the genealogist. The links below cover free sites only. There are a very large amount of sites on the internet that provide even more comprehensive programs and tools for genealogical research for a fee. Some of these pay sites/programs may also prove useful to you in pursuing your ancestral research. Legacy Family Tree - Probably the best free genealogical software on the internet. A very useful program to record and document your family history. Land Plotting - Very simple land plotting site. Plot your ancestor's land online using metes and bounds. Atlas of Historical County Boundaries - An excellent interactive website that will allow you to see year by year how the counties were formed in the various states. This site provides full data on the creation dates. The interactive map provided is overlaid over a modern map so you can determine what county your family lived in for various time periods. FotoFlexer - a free and very powerful online photo editor that you can use to clean up, repair or modify you old photos. GIMP - a very powerful photo editor that is very similar to Photoshop Perpetual Calendar - Produce a calendar for any month and year. This tool also allows you to pick a country for the calendar so you can view the traditional holidays. Time and Date Calculator - This tool will allow you to calculate a birth date based on the age and date of an event. Customizable Pedigree Charts - Canva - This site offers several fancy full color editable pedigree charts. It is a free site, but you will have to register. Alternate Surname Spelling Generator - Can't find your ancestor. Maybe the name was spelled in a totally different or weird way. This site will automatically generate a lengthy list of all the different ways your name may have been spelled/misspelled. Family Search Nickname List - Can't find an ancestor. Maybe they were using a nickname. An extensive list of all of the nicknames that might have been used by your ancestor. Baby Name Generator - Originally meant to look up possible baby names, it turns out this is a valuable tool for genealogists. You can't totally decipher that name on the census record but you tell what the first few characters are. Use this tool to view all possible names that start with those letters. Colonial Diseases and Cures - An informative list of the old names for diseases from the 1600's and 1700's. List of Genealogical Terms - A lengthy list of genealogical terms and definitions that you might run into during your research. Genealogy Abbreviations - A nice list of all of the abbreviations you might run into during your research. Family Search Place Finder - Use this site to locate all of the small and obscure places your family might have lived. - One of the most comprehensive interactive mapping sites on the internet. One of the best tools on the internet for locating your ancestor's property. Inflation Calculator - You can use this site to find out what the amount of money your ancestor had or spent in the past is worth in today's dollars. This should help give you a feeling of how "well off" your family was. This calculator covers the time period form 1635 to the present. DNA Chart - Very well presented chart showing relationships and the amount of DNA we share with cousins, aunts, uncles,etc. Should help you really understand how DNA and cousins relationships work Family Relationship Chart - A very good visual chart to easily show what is a first cousin once removed, etc. Use this to determine exactly how you are related to people in your extended family. |