

Master Index to Cemetery, Obituary and Funeral Home Records

     For years the Yakima Valley Genealogical Society has maintained a card file of obituary notices, cemetery readings and records and funeral home records. The current index contains listings of approximately 191,000 names and is continuing to be added to on a weekly basis. Most of these records have been digitized and are located on the computers at the Genealogical Society library for patrons to access and use. For those unable to come into our library, we are able to send you copies of the records upon request. To request copies of the records please use the form located here. Please see below for a description of the obituaries that are included in this index.

Obituary File

     The Yakima Valley Genealogical Society maintains an extremely large file of obituary notices out of the local papers. The Society started this effort in the late 1960's when a long term project to collect all of the obituaries out of the Yakima Herald Republic was started. Since that time several other collections of obituaries have been added to the collection. All of the older obituaries that were collected are housed in file cabinets at the society library and have also been digitized and are on the computers at the library. The newer obituaries collected have been placed directly into the digital files on the computers. Below is a listing of the newspapers included in this collection.

Yakima Herald Republic

     The obituary file has a complete set of all of the obituaries that appeared in the Yakima Herald Republic from the late 1960's. This is kept current and is updated regularly. The file also has some obituaries from prior years. These have been added as we have been able to gather copies of the older obits and this part of the collection will continue to grow as the older obits become available.

Toppenish Review & Tribune

     The obituaries for this newspaper have been copied for the years 1905-1924. Currently these images are on the society computers only and are not included in the above index. These will be added to the index in the near future.

Sunnyside Sun/DailyNews

     The obituaries for this newspaper have been copied for the years 1919-1928. Currently these images are on the society computers only and are not included in the above index. These will be added in the index in the near future.

Grandview Herald

     The obituaries for this newspaper have been copied for the years 1930-1932 and 1934-1936. Currently these images are on the society computers only and are not included in the above index. These will be added to the index in the near future.

The Valley Sun

     The obituaries for this newspaper have been copied for the years 1976-1983. Currently these images are on the society computers only and are not included in the above index. These will be added to the index in the near future.

The Wapato Independent

     The obituaries for this newspaper have been copied for the years 1938-1950. These images are on the society computers and are included in the above index.

The Yakima Nation Review

     The obituaries for this newspaper have been copied for the years 1988-1990. These images are on the society computers and are included in the above index.

The Prosser Record Bulletin

     Obituaries for this newspaper were collected starting in 1971. The obituaries collected cover Benton City, west to Prosser, eastern Klickitat County (Goldendale east), and the lower Yakima Valley (Sunnyside, Grandview and Mabton.) These images are on the society computers and are included in the above index.

The Spokane Spokesman-Review

     The obituaries for this newspaper have been copied for the years 1985-1989. Currently These images are on the society computers only and are not included in the above index. These will be added to the index in the near future.